Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Game Night: Zombie Fluxx

JB and I typically play Magic on Tuesday nights, but since I have to work, we're going to try something a little different. It's primary election night here, and I'm being asked to do data entry for election results. Since Magic can get quite consuming, I figured we could play something a little different that would be a little less intense.  Enter:  Zombie Fluxx.

I've been thinking about this game since I spied it at Arena Comics on Free Comic Day back in May.  I didn't pick it up until this past weekend, when I was in the vicinity of Barnes & Noble.

Easy to set up. Easy to play.  We could barely play one game, because I was so busy, but we had a good time until I pulled "Larry the Creeper" which is basically "Game Over" when it's only 2 players. Since we didn't get a chance to really get into a game, I'll be bringing it over to our friends' Monthly Video Game Day.  

I'm willing to bet this would be fun, even if you're not a zombie aficionado. This game is standalone, but it's also compatible with other Fluxx decks as well.   The variety of games available is amazing.  Oz Fluxx, Martian Fluxx, Monty Python Fluxx, and Family Fluxx, just to name a few.

Totally worth the price tag for the hours of use I'll be getting out of this one.

Just remember...Double Tap.


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