Monday, September 17, 2012

Revolution has arrived.

My Facebook is on fire with commentary about Revolution.  Most of it from my friends who consider themselves experts in science, survivalism, and science fiction/fantasy.  They're the continuity freaks, the ones who tuned out of Lost when the Polar Bear showed up.  They're the ones who assume that all of this world's rules apply in fantasy/science fiction. It's not meant to be taken literally, it's J.J. Abrams for cryin' out loud!  Going into it, I know I can expect certain rules of reality not to apply, and so I settled in.

This show has been on my radar since I saw the first teasers earlier this summer.  The premise is intriguing, and I admit, I took the bait.  Ignoring my nay saying friends who already have a hate on for the show, I kept an open mind. My honest opinion? I quite enjoyed it.  It's something different in a sea of Procedural Crime Drama XYZ, and Unrelatable-Not Funny Sitcoms. Consider Revolution penciled into my Monday Nights.

It deserves a chance to be taken for what it is.  A dystopial fantastical joyride in a world that we couldn't possibly understand after a one hour episode.  NBC has it available for viewing right now. 

All you haters can go watch Football.


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