Tuesday, July 31, 2012

In Which Real Life Trumps Blog

If you follow me on Facebook, you already know this. My father, who molded his children in his geeky image, had some pretty major surgery today.  He's doing well, though a bit doped up and groggy.  I went to visit him this afternoon in the hospital just after he'd been placed in his room to recover.  As I greeted him, he gave me the Vulcan hand gesture for Live Long and Prosper.  We all had a laugh, and I knew in that instant all was well. 

So, my posts will be sporadic in nature until life resumes its normal course.

Until then, Live Long and Prosper, friends.



  1. You're dad sounds awesome! So glad he seems to be on the upswing!

    1. He apparently did it all the way to the OR. I love my geektastic Dad.

  2. Glad everything went well for him.
